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Q: Is my personal information protected with your company?
A: Any personal information that you provide to any of our organization are privacy protected. Your information will never be shared or sold to anyone!

Q:  Does the company hold regular conference calls?

A:  No we do not at the present time. Only if it become necessary.

Q:  How fast can I make money with this business?

A:  You are Gifted daily Member-To-Member, so how fast you receive a Gift of money is totally up to you. When a person joins as a Gifter he is required to send the Donation directly to you within 24 hours.

Q:  What are the donating options for upgrading?

A:  Our online gifting methods for upgrading to a Gifter are Paypal, Venmo and Solid Trust Pay.  We can process credit/debit cards instantly through Solid Trust Pay even if someone does not have a Solid Trust Pay account. 

We also accept US Postal Money orders and Western Union. Details of these payment methods are at the bottom of the Upgrade Page .

?  Q: How much will my initial Gift/Donation be?

A:  There are many different Levels you can join at, and this will determine your initial start up cost, but to get started at the lowest Level (Level #1) your starting Gift will be $10 for your Website and Tracking Software.You DO NOT have to donate the $20 until you get your first 2person (your Qualifying Gifters). So to get started at Package Level # 1, you only have to pay $10. 
If you want to start at Level # 2 or higher, you would donate the same $10 which covers Level 1, plus the cost for each of the higher Levels you join.

Q:  I do not have a credit card, can I still participate?

A:  Our online donating methods for upgrading to a Gifter are Paypal, Venmo and Solid Trust Pay. US residents can upgrade to a Gifter online using Solid Trust Pay. We can process credit/debit cards instantly through Solid Trust Pay even if someone does not have a Solid Trust Pay account.

Q:  How do I upgrade?

A:  At the bottom of this page you will see a button called; STEP #2 Upgrade To Level 2 or higher. Click on that button, and complete the registration form on the next page and we will provide you with a Gifter link to donate the Gifter Fee.

?  Q:  Do I have to give the $10 Gift before I can start?

A:  Yes, you have to give the $10 Gifting Fee before you can start. The $10 is for your Website/ Hosting, Tracking Software, Advertising, and Training Materials


Q:  What happens if I don’t have the $10 to upgrade right away?

A:  You are welcome to remain a Tour Taker until you are ready to upgrade to a Gifter. Tour Takers will be required to renew their FREE Tour Taker Status every 30days. You will be notified by email when your Tour Taker Status needs to be renewed. If you fail to renew by clicking a confirmation link, your account will be deleted from our database


Q:  What happens if my sponsor does not pay my way into Level # 1?

A:  If your sponsor does not donate your way into Gifter Level # 1 in a timely manner (24 hours), you will “Roll Up" to the next Active Gifter Level #1, and that person will pay your way in.


Q: Does my sponsor send me the $10 to get my way into Level # 1?

A:  No, your sponsor does not send to you. Your sponsor will send the $10  directly to Gifter on your behalf.


Q:  Do I have to start with all 5 Gifting Levels? 

A:  No, you do not have to start with all 5 Gifting Levels. It’s your choice as to what Levels you start with, as long as you join them in order. There is no time limit as to when or even if you move to the next higher Package Level.


Q:  Can I skip a Level, and go to the next higher Level?

A:  No, you cannot skip a Gifting Level. They must be done in order, but there is no time limit as to when you must move to the next higher Level.

Q:  Is there a time limit to move to the next higher Level?

A:  No, there are no time limits as to when you move to the next higher Level. You move up at a time and pace of your own choosing. Just remember, if you do not Donate and pay for a given Gifting Level, and one of your referrals gives it before you, you will not receive credit for the donation. You are not considered as having Gifted a Level until your donations have been confirmed by theReceiver.

Q:  Can I stay at Donation Level # 1 or do I have to upgrade to Donations 2, 3, 4, and 5?

A:  You can stay at Gifting Level # 1, but if you do you cannot earn Gifts at the higher Levels if any of your personal referrals does donated them. Most if not all members who start with just Level # 1 eventually leverage their way into the higher Levels by using some of the Gifts they’ve earned at  Level # 1.


Q:  Are the Gifting Levels one-time payments?

A:  Yes, all the Gifting Levels are one-time Donations, and once you have Qualified at a Level you are Qualified for life even if one of your Qualifiers drops out of the business.


Q:  Will I be notified when I Have a gift due to me?

A:   Yes, every time you have a Donation you will be notified by email. So it is important your email client does not block our emails to you. You can test the email address you have on file by resending our "Welcome Email"

Every time you are gifted, you will receive instructions on what you need to do. So do not worry about what should I do

Q:  Do I have to tell my friends and family?

A:  The last thing you need to do is waste your time trying to convince someone that they need an opportunity!

When your friends and family see you driving around in a new car, they will be asking you what you’re doing.

Q:  Do I have to explain the Gifting plan to people?

A:  No, you do not have to explain the plan to your prospects. The Home Page does a very good job so you don’t have to do any explaining.
There is also a " How It Works Page" in the Member Center where your prospects can read a text version of our Gifting  Plan.

Q:  How will I know when I am qualfied for a gift at any Donation Level?
Every time you are involved in a Donation you will receive an email. This includes when you have a Qualifying Gifter, and a Personal Gifter


Q:  Can a Qualifying Gift come from someone else?

A:  A Qualifying Gifter has to be one of your own Personal Referrals.

Q:  What is meant by the term "Roll Up"?
Roll Up referrals to a Gift that is generated from further down in your organization. A Gift Rolls Up when the sponsor of the "Donation" in not an Active Gifter or has not personally donated to a Gifting Level before one of his/her personal gifters does

Q:  Do I have to pay my own way into Gifting Levels 2 - 5?

A:  Yes, everyone has to pay their own way into Levels 2 – 5, but there is no time limit as to when you must move to the next higher  Level. You move at your own pace. 

The Pay it Forward System is only applied to Package Level # 1.

Q:  Is the $10 Admin/Gift Fee a monthly fee?

A:  You would pay $10 once after your reach Level #3. Each Level have a one time admin fee..  See "How It Works"


Q:  I am not a very good sales person, will that hurt me?

A:  NPFS was set up in a way so that you do not have to be a Sales Person! The Home Page does all the selling and explaining for you. The Bonus Package acts as an incentive for people to take action right away, and what you will find is that some people will register for the Tour, and upgrade to a Gifter before you even have a chance to send them a Welcome Email,. 

NPFS also sends out several emails a week to everyone's Tour Takers to encourage them to upgrade . If you’ve been a Tour Taker for a while you would have received some of those emails already. 

Q:  If one of my Qualifying Gifters drops out, do I have to Qualify again?

.A:  Once you are Qualified at a Gifting Level you are Qualified for life!